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Between the Ramsey kid and the mass suicide, I haven't been able to see the news lately. Oh, I've TRIED, but that's ALL that seems to have happened since O.J. No other kids were killed anywhere on the earth. No one else has committed suicide, or be led to their deaths by charismatic leaders in some other fashion, anywhere on the earth, according to the news. Wow! I'm impressed! Didn't think we'd evolved that far.
Just to confirm, here's a message to my own personal computer cult:
Kill yourself! Kill yourself on April 15, midnight, as a protest to the government's continued taxation of innocent people! Do it! Or maybe on Earth Day to protest the industrial destruction of our planet. Yeah, that's it, a two-stage suicide pact. Those of you with last names beginning A - L go April 15, the remainder on Earth Day.
This is only a test.

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