The Archives

Excerpts from Electric Degeneration, Degenerate Press' semi-weekly e-zine, free and ad-free. A full episode contains sections for music reviews, upcoming events, blasphemy, classifieds, and anything else we feel like saying. If you'd like to subscribe just contact us.

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Here's our plan:
October 31, Friday, Halloween, we're gonna kick things off at the
Prick birthday bash, since the Prick editor is a flakey, but somewhat
hold and dear friend. Not to mention the cool spookhouse that Shane
Morton puts together and the lovely ladies of Doll Squad doing
Party animals that we are, we probably won't stay for the full night.
Instead, we intend to head south to Echo Lounge's birthday party,
with Los Straightjackets, The Forty Fives, and Mondo Topless.
November 1, Saturday, the partying continues. Degenerate WW builds a
killer haunted house up in Huntsville every year and we've missed it
every time due to our own parties. But this year we're definitely
headed into the wilds of Alabama (what could be scarier?) for the big
wrap party that, by all reliable reports, kicks serious ass. See for details.
Our reporting on Halloween has already begun with a few photos from
the L5P Halloween parade and a few other stops around town:
So if you wanna get in the degenerate conga line that will be our
Halloween adventure let us know ASAP and we'll make plans to hook up
somewhere sometime. That, or we'll have to figure out how to do text
messaging on the new cell phone...

Months ago I announced the immanent demise of Mandorico, but then a
while later they rescinded their plans and will continue and I
neglected to mention it. Sorry 'bout that.

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