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Excerpts from Electric Degeneration, Degenerate Press' semi-weekly e-zine, free and ad-free. A full episode contains sections for music reviews, upcoming events, blasphemy, classifieds, and anything else we feel like saying. If you'd like to subscribe just contact us.

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Despite my steadfast refusal to see anything produced by Disney ever
again, I was badgered into seeing Finding Nemo on Saturday night at
the drive in. I was expecting another schmaltzy musical with Elton
John or Randy Newman doing sappy crap not even fit for children. But
I was immediately amazed at the graphics, by far the best computer
generated animation I've ever seen. The story started off predictable
and didn't bring many surprises, but there are plenty of jokes
targeted at the parents and adults in the audience. Despite the
predictability of the plot, I was very grateful they hadn't taken
perfectly good literature and Disnified it.
But best of all, there's not one song in the whole thing. Definitely worth seeing.
 It's also looking like a heck of a summer for drive in movie fun -
pirates, zombies and angels, oh my!

Degenerate TD asks:
"hey hows it going/ I read your paper all the time. what is up with the inter national artist guild? is it still open? how come you never go there?"

I don't know if IAG still exists. After struggling in the art biz
myself for a few years, I got burned out on the whole art world. But
I have stumbled into a few festivals and the like and enjoyed seeing
new work again lately, so maybe we'll get back in the swing of visual
things again. Anyone got any info on the place?

We also got this in response to our obit last episode:
While teaching in Gary, Indiana...William Marshall came to my drama
classes twice, in a period of eight years, to talk about a career in
theater. A charming and awesome man...students and teacher liked him
a lot! He also performed with the Gary Symphony Orchestra and of
course he was an outstanding, trained Shakespearean actor; however
his talents were overlooked in the early days of theater/movie
because of skin color. William Marshall I salute you!

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