Excerpts from Electric Degeneration, Degenerate Press' semi-weekly e-zine, free and ad-free. A full episode contains sections for music reviews, upcoming events, blasphemy, classifieds, and anything else we feel like saying. If you'd like to subscribe just contact us.
You can surf the entire archive.
Our review of Corndogorama 2005 is up:
We're in the process of moving to a new web host so you may
stumble across a few broken links here and there as we update and shuffle and
such. Then in a day or three the files should be moved to the new host and the
domain pointed to the new host and you'll probably find a ton of problems. But
over the next couple of weeks we'll exterminate the bugs then get around to a
site overhaul.
In other news, we went to the Creative Loafing party for Hollis Gillespie's new
book on Tuesday at Paris On Ponce, a swell soiree featuring ramblings by Hollis
and her extended family, followed by a couple of Kingsized performances, renamed
Queensized for the night in honor of Mike Geir showing up a geisha. He looked
more like a sumo in drag than a geisha, especially with that booming voice, but
it was still fun. The Dames A'flame put on perhaps their hottest show ever,
taking themes from Hollis' books and columns and bringing them to life as
burlesque numbers with more skin than I've seen in their previous performances.
Free food, $2 Red Brick beer, no cover - you should'a been there. I'd have
pictures if I'd bothered to go home and get my camera, but I opted to be there
for the whole show rather than miss half of it so you could have pictures. Maybe
you should get out more often? See our July 9 entry in the Prophesy section for
the next Dames A’flame performance, featuring our all-time favorite burlesque
act the Wau Wau Sisters from New York. Crap, it's a good thing we're here. You
wouldn't even have a vicarious life without Degenerate Press!
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