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Got this from Teri, owner of the Starlight Drive In, care of degenerate SG, the
weekly drive invasion organizer:
I have sad news.
It seems that at the last Mondo nite, one of our film companies (New Line) was
really mad that we took off their film to play the Mondo nite. They were so
angry they pulled the film (Wedding Crashers) and almost decided not to sell us
any more film.
Well, it turns out the Mondo had such poor attendance that we lost money, and as
a result, Gerry the filmbuyer has pulled the plug on Mondo Nite. The last Mondo
for the season, What's New Pussycat and Beach Party, is cancelled. We are not
planning to have Mondo next year. Unbeknownst to us all, we were at the very
last Mondo Nite.
Drive Insanity may be a different story. We'll see how the turnout is for this
one. If it is low, then most likely that will be cancelled as well. I may be
able to wrangle a few archival film nights next year, but nothing during the
very high season summer months. Rock n Roll Monster Bash and Drive Invasion will
continue, as they have been successful and appear to be growing.
It is a very sad end to a really wonderful series that lasted six seasons. I
know my life has been completely enriched by the experience. We all have
fabulous Mondo Movie Nite stories and memories. Unfortunately, now they are
I discussed these events with Terri a couple of weeks ago and tried to point out
that a once a month retro event was probably optimal, but twice a month was just
too much.
That, and the weather has fuckin’ sucked ass this summer.
Others pointed out the odd movie selections for the summer, but I sort of liked
the mix of old b-movies with newer cult classics.
I’d like to mention that the retro events aren’t just an event unto themselves,
but a promotional event for the drive in as a whole – it’s what got me going
back to the drive in!
There was only one Mondo left for the summer before the big Drive Invasion fest
on Labor Day Weekend, but I hope the drive in will reconsider and bring
Mondo/Insanity back next summer. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, check out the Drive
Invasion details for Labor Day weekend in the Prophesy section.
For some reason the weekly drive invaders voted overwhelmingly to see Dukes of
Hazard. (Don't blame me, I voted for Devil's Rejects.) Goddamn, what a piece of
crap. SW said it best, "This will be just like White Chicks."
For some reason (booze, time), she had vague yet fond memories of White Chicks.
When it was at the drive in, we wandered over to catch the last half of it after
our movie was over and ended up chatting with other degenerates through the
whole thing because the film was so bad it wasn't even so-bad-its-funny.
Dukes of Hazard is exactly as funny as White Chicks.
I've read a review somewhere that said the only way you can take these old
schlocky TV shows and films and remake them into something worth seeing is to
either take it very seriously and do it one better (Charlie's Angels), or make a
complete joke out of it (Brady Bunch.) Dukes does neither, making what is
basically another episode of the original TV show but with even poorer acting.
Jessica Simpson may be the best actor in the film. She can at least deliver her
lines with some degree of believability. They obviously didn't know what to do
with Willie Nelson, starring as Uncle Jesse, so they gave him a lot of old,
unfunny jokes that he delivers so unfunnily we didn't even groan. It's as if
it's part of his community service settlement with the IRS or something.
The only funny or exciting part in the entire film is the bloopers they run
during the credits and it's not worth sitting through the entire film to see
those (and they may only be funny and exciting in contrast to the rest of the
Don't bother, even if you have a thing for Johnny Knoxville (who SW caught
mouthing other people's lines) or Jessica Simpson (watch her music video on MTV
instead, with the sound off.)
If a girl goes missing in the forest and she's not a cute blonde from Alabama,
will the media make a sound?
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