Excerpts from Electric Degeneration, Degenerate Press' semi-weekly e-zine, free and ad-free. A full episode contains sections for music reviews, upcoming events, blasphemy, classifieds, and anything else we feel like saying. If you'd like to subscribe just contact us.
You can surf the entire archive.
Since I've been using my reporting efforts for paper publications lately, I
haven't had much new to say in Electric Degeneration. I've got a heap of photos
I'm gonna dump in a few pages just to have something to show, but that may take
a few days.
I've been chattier than normal on my blog, but you can only read the new stuff
if you're a Livejournal member and on our Friends list:
I've considered throwing it wide open, but I'm also considering turning those
particular writings into an entirely new column somewhere.
Meanwhile, I've updated the vaults so if, for some foolish reason, you need to
review the text-only ezines from 2005, check it out:
Hey, now we're only 8 months behind!
For those what don’t peruse the Prophesy section in detail, there’s a big show
September 27 at Variety - Little Steven’s Rolling Rock and Roll Show at Variety
Playhouse with The Forty Fives, The Woggles, The Mooney Suzuki, The Zombies and
more – for which tickets have just gone on sale. Get ‘em while they’re hot.
The latest Loaf:
A mass of folks turned out for the weekly drive invasion for Talladega Nights,
the Ballad of Ricky Bobby. It’s pretty damn funny. I didn’t have high
expectations because it seemed like just another Will Ferrell acts like a moron
comedy. But it’s been a while since I saw one of these and I’d forgotten just
how funny morons can be, particularly when spoofing a sport enjoyed by people
that don’t mind watching cars drive in a circle for hours.
But it’s the moments between Ricky and his estranged father than may get the
most laughs in this flick. There was laughter in our crowd almost non-stop.
Definitely worth seeing.
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