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The Helgas, Doll Squad
The Star Bar
December 2004

The Helgas,
Sasparilla the Singing Gorilla,
Doll Squad
More Doll Squad and Guests Yet more Doll Squad and Guests Even more Doll Squad
Calu appeared in a little Santa-inspired outfit. She did an act about not getting what she wanted for Christmas because she's a bad girl. She went through the presents one by one and found them empty.
Ah well. If you're not getting anything for Christmas I guess you might as well be bad...

Out came a strange elf, if you want to call him that, with an impressive package, so to speak. Unfortunately for him, the present was just what Calu wanted...

A big leather whip!

I had given up my nearly-front-row spot to a group of cute girls who were having a tough time seeing over/past/through me. But then an even shorter girl asked if I'd move further back. I offered her my spot, but she declined. I offered again, but she said, tentatively, she had a friend. I asked which one of the tall guys behind her was her friend. Then she denied having any friends. What the hell? Then she told me it was just rude for tall guys to stand up front. Crap, I think it's rude to ask for something then decline it when it's offered. A few more exchanges later I finally gave up and resumed my spot, only to realize I had to pee anyhow. So I turned back around and told her to take the spot with her on-again-off-again friend. She declined, again. I gave up and headed to the can. When I returned a whole gaggle of folks had crowded into the spot. It wasn't worth the aggravation of clawing my way close enough for a decent photo, so you'll have to use your imagination for the rest of the show. Another of my favorite acts from Big City was in there somewhere, and a grand finale with all the ladies wearing red afro wigs (very festive), but hey, you should'a been there...

The Helgas,
Sasparilla the Singing Gorilla,
Doll Squad
More Doll Squad and Guests Yet more Doll Squad and Guests Even more Doll Squad

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