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Bubbapalooza 13
May 2004

Start More Bubbapalooza! Yet more Bubbapalooza! Still more Bubbapalooza! Even  more Bubbapalooza! And more Bubbapalooza! One more!
Next up, Artimus Pyledriver, hard hard harcore hard/heavy/metal/rock stuff.
Unfortunatley, I couldn't understand a word of it. Not one. The vocals were completely drowned out by the guitars, on top of being screamed/growled by the singer.
Add to that the epic posing and thrashing of the lead singer and I actually laughed a lot, probably when I wasn't supposed to.

But I do that a lot.

Continuing with the hard/heavy rock/metal sound, Gargantua. But unlike Artimus Pyledriver, I could understand most of the lyrics. And they have catchy melodies to boot.

Start More Bubbapalooza! Yet more Bubbapalooza! Still more Bubbapalooza! Even  more Bubbapalooza! And more Bubbapalooza! One more!

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